PsychLab intergerates with reliable Psychometric Assessments to help students to make necessary decisions and overcome problems.

Inventori Tret Personaliti
Inventori Tret Personaliti (ITP) is used to assess the personality of students in accordance with the cultural and educational context in Malaysia in accordance with the National Education Philosophy.
Check your ITP Results here:

Inventori Minat Kerjaya (IMK)
Inventori Minat Kerjaya (IMK) is one of the popular tests to determine a person's career interests. This IMK instrument is built based on Holland's Career Selection Theory which is easier for the community to understand. This theory focuses on aspects of personal personality and behavior in a career environment.
Done Annually
Interest changes every year? Fear Not! It is compulsory for all students to do the IMK tests annually.
Printed Results
Results are printed and explanations are given! Understand yourself to the maximum level
On Demand
Want to understand more about your IMK Results? Refer to any counsellors!

Inventori Kecergasan Pelbagai (IKP)
This instrument was developed based on the theory of Multiple Intelligence (MI) by Howard Gardner. This test will be only done by Form 3 students

Test Format
There are 2 parts
Paper 1: Competency of Part A & B
Paper 2: Perception Students are required to answer on the answer form (OMR) provided by shading the correct answer option.

Inventori Kematangan Kerjaya (IKK)
Inventori Kematangan Kerjaya (IKK) is normally done by Form 5 students to understand about their maturity towards their career choices. From the findings of IKK, Counsellors can:
- Measure the level of student career maturity including the attitude domain and the competency domain
- Assess the compatibility of career behavior with the age level of fifth grade students
- Empower students in determining the right career choice with their personality
- Encourage students to explore career information in depth in accordance with their personality.